I am a movie/video/book fan! And many of you probably do too (wild guess). AAAAND if you like movies, or video games, or books, then your most likely gonna have a few favourite characters, right?
So, I'm gonna show/tell you who some of my favourite characters are, and where they're from.
Ok we're starting of with my #1 favourite character :

Darth Vader, from anything Star Wars
Why? you may ask. Because he is Awesome. Sure he's the typical good boy, goes dark side and kills a bunch of innocent kids and then goes all Sith and evil. But you just got respect the Dude! He left his mom back on Tattoonie, when he was only nine years old (and going by the name of Anikin) following Quigon-Gin to be a Jedi. But the counsel refused to have him trained, crushing his hopes, (of course he gets trained anyways). Then Quigon gets killed, and Anikin grows up under the wing of Obi-Won. Finally he meets the girl he fell in love with, Padme, after TEN whole years of not seeing her at all, and she's all like "We can't be in love it's against the rules." And eventually they fall in love...Right after Anikin's mom dies in his arms. Padme and Anikin get married, illegally (because Jedi aren't supposed to love or have attachments) and some time passes, they're happy. Padme gets pregnant and Anikin has a dream about Padme dieing. He turns to the help of Palpatine (who is secretly an evil Sith Lord) who tells Anikin the only way he can save Padme is to go Sith. He does everything that the Evil Sith Lord tells him to but in the end Padme dies (by Anikin force-choking her in rage) and Anikin loses most of his limbs. The Sith Lord decides that in this time of sadness and anger that he should make Anikin a minion of his. Anikin changed his name to Darth Vader and goes out with his life full of anger, fear, hate, and regret. Darth Vader's kids, Luke and Leia, grow up without him even knowing that they are alive. there's a HUGE battle between the Rebels (DV's kids team) and the Imperials (DV's team). The evil Sith Lord tries to make Luke turn to the bad side, but Darth Vader throws him down shaft, killing the Sith Lord, but also killing Darth Vader. Darth Vader dies a Jedi, after telling his son (in his own way) that he loves him. And that's sort of why he's my favourite character.
Alright, provided that you didn't fall asleep, here is my second favourite character :
Cloud Strife, straight from Final Fantasy 7, and Final Fantasy Advent Children
Actually hes right there in first place, beside Darth Vader. So technically I had to pick a first (sorry Cloud). He had a hard childhood that would rival that of Anikin's "Slave years". Many people I know have different views of him, but mine is: CLOUD IS AWESOME! No more explanation there.
Third favourite character has two people tied for it but out of the both of them I like :

Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games Trilogy, and soon to be movie.
She's a tough girl in tough times., where the government holds games. In these games 24 children aging from 12 to 18 have to fight to the death, only one person can win. She can take care of herself in the woods and in a battle.
Fourth place belongs to :

Lara Croft, a.k.a. Tomb Raider, from the many Tomb Raider video games and the movies.
She's another tough girl, but she's not entirely in tough times. She's commonly known to have a gun in hand or to be swinging herself off a ledge. She has an answer for almost any situation, and she can get herself out of whatever she got herself into.
Fifth place :
Beatrice "Tris" Prior, from the book Divergent by Veronica Roth
Unfortunately there is no character picture of her. But she's a strong girl whose trying to find her place. She lives in future Chicago, where the government has divided the people into Five different factions. She has to make decisions that will change her life, permanently.
Sixth place :

Link from the famous Legend of Zelda video games, and the TV shows.
Link is the type of guy who would save you, even if you didn't want to be saved. He's not a praise-lover or a fame-hogger. Some people call him the "left-handed hero" others call him "my hero!" but no matter his name, he's always beating Gannon's butt!
Lol that's all for now! Bye!
The $hinester