And yes, I have been to a "real" school before, and yeah, sure, it was fine...if you like being contained in a classroom for eight hours. But that's just not my cup'o'tea.
Some people think that because I'm homeschooled I need to have things explained to me..."Soccer is a sport that involves your feet not your hands", "You do know pi is 3.14, right?", "Is your DNA messed up or something? You seem to have the wrong jeans on." Now most of my replies are something along the lines of "Yes that's why in Britian and Australia they call it 'foot'ball.", "Yes I know that pi is 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971...Oh! You left...", "No my Deoxyribonucleic Acid is not messed up, but that you for admiring my genes." But it still gets annoying sometimes...
There's this awesome video on YouTube called the Seven Lies About Homeschooling... It's hilarious!
I love this guy's facial expressions! And how his eyebrows twitch. XD
I admitt it, I do wear my PJ's during my schooling hours, sometimes. It's fun. :)
The $hinester
**This post was not meant to hurt or make fun of or offended any "real"schoolers who read this, if you feel hurt, or made fun of, or offended, please forgive me**