Happy Valentines Day!
Now, I wouldn't say I'm totally in
love with Valentines Day. Because I'm not. I'm pretty sure it's just a "special day" for that "special someone", because greeting card companies needed more money.
I'm not saying it's bad to tell someone that you
love 'em. But why would you wait till Valentines Day to do it? I mean you can buy your
sweetheart flowers and
chocolates and
cards(oh my!)any day of the year. *
Anyways since I don't have a "
special someone" I'm going to name all my favourite Book Boys. I know you think I'm replacing my
true love with someone fictional. But hey I'm, like, fifteen, give me a break!
So with no particular order here I go!
10. Peeta Mellark. The Hunger Games.

The boy with the bread. I really liked Peeta as a character, he was really nice, and he really did love Katniss. He's defiantly someone on my list. (And yes, I did put a fan drawn picture on here, not a picture of Blonde Josh Hutcherson)
9. Gale Hawthorne. The Hunger Games.

Okay, compared to Peeta, Gale is... Down right Awesome. I really really like him as a character. Everyone says he only wanted Katniss after he saw her and Peeta together, but I don't think that's true. I think he liked Katniss waay before that, and when he said that they should run, was when he was mustering up the courage to finally do something. I might be wrong but that's what I see. Poor Gale :'(
8. Finnick Odair. Also The Hunger Games.
Hey Suzanne Collins is a good writer :P I may like Gale and Peeta, but I love Finnick. True he got married to a crazy woman, but it's so sweet. He loves her with everything he's got. I love the jokes he makes. I HATE how he dies... May he rest in peace :'(
7. Iggy. Maximum Ride.

He's got wings, and he's blind. He is soo funny, and he can make bombs how cool is that? Kay, but really he's an awesome character and the manga books of Max Ride made me like him even more!
6. Fang. Maximum Ride.

He has wings. And yes in that picture he has long hair, but don't let that fool you, it is a guy XD He's totally awesome/annoying. He had me crying in book six. (I'm not gonna say why, you'll have to read it :P)
5. Astley. The Need Series.
Unfortunately there is no fan made pictures of Astley. He's a pixie from the Need series. No, not the tiny cute pixies that fly around and keep the flowers pretty. The type of pixies who are evil, and blue, with sharp teeth, and are relatively the same size as humans, but they live much longer. Only difference is Astley isn't evil. Although he does want the main character Zara, to marry him. Which she finds utterly horrid, but I find cute. He really does like her, he likes her enough to help her find her missing were-wolf boyfriend, whom I don't really like (not after Astley came :P).
4. Four/Tobias. Divergent.
There isn't any fan made drawings (I don't use real people as an excuse for book characters :P) of poor Four either. Which is totally crazy considering he's such an awesome character. He wasn't the type of guy who got the girl in the first three pages she meets him. But I liked him before, Tris, the main character liked him. :P He wasn't the type of guy who was totally "the man". He had fears and he's fine with Tris knowing that. Plus Tris saves his butt, and he knows it XD
3. Joseph, or Seph Mccauley. The Heir Series.
He is my favourite character through in the Heir Series, even though he comes in like the second book XD He's like super powerful, but he doesn't let it get to his head. He was stuck in a school run by an eeevil guy who was mentally torturing Seph into joining his group, but Seph didn't cave. I think I might like him cause of his super awesomeness, but you can't blame me for liking someone for who he is :P
2. Percy Jackson. The Percy Jackson & The Olympians Series.

Son of Poseidon, or Neptune, take your pick. And totally cool. He can control water. Whaaat? XD Anyways the movie did okay with they're actor for him, but in my very imaginative mind, Percy was alot better :D Heh, Heh.
1. Galen Nexx. Hunted. [Picture coming soon.]
He's a rebel XD. Jk... well only alittle. Anyways. I really like his character...Because well...he's my character. XD Yeah, I'm writing a book.
There you have it folks! My top Ten Book Boys XD Whose your ton ten?? :)
Hope you have a grrrreat Valentines Day ♥♥
The $hinester
I don't own any of these pictures, they are all fan made and are off the internet. If you see your picture on here and don't want it to be there, please tell me.
Thank You.