Friday, June 22, 2012


    Yes, you probably know who the big green guy is right? And the guy with the star on his chest? How about the guy hanging upside down?

  It's Hulk, Captain America, and Spider-man.

    Now how about the guy in the middle?

I'll give you a hint: He loves you waaaay more then then Spider-man or Hulk or Captain America do.

Another hint?
He's real, unlike Captain America, Hulk, or Spider-man who only appear on your televison screen.

It's Jesus. :) The greatest suerhero there is! And probably the best one too. Stronger then the Hulk, faster then Spider-man, and more loyal then Captain America. And he has no kryptonite. He'll protect you no matter what.

So who is your favourite superhero?
I think you already know who my favourite superhero is ;)

That's right
He is my savior and my superhero <3

The $hinester

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


   Know what that means?
Fear of Weakness
  Are you scared of being weak?
 Did you know God uses the weak to do amazing things?

"God chose the weak things in the world to shame the strong." 1 Corinthians 1:27

 You aren't the weak link. You're what is holding everything together. There is always a reason for your "weakness".  Even if you hate it.

And trust me, I'm not saying that its bad to be strong, I'm just saying that its okay to be weak. Because
"He gives power to the weak, and strength to the powerless." Isaiah 40:29

  I've always longed to be strong, to over come my weaknesses.
   And I hate when someone tells me I can't do something... Not like "Don't cross the road yet" or "Don't touch that electric fence" but stuff like "Oh, you can't do that. You're a girl." Or "Don't even try to beat me, I know I'm better then you."
   Stuff like that really hits the wrong spot on me and I immediately take it as a challenge. Because I hate appearing weak.

   So I've decided to stop thinking of myself as a loser.

And if you say "I'm such a loser." to yourself all the time. Stop. Rewind. And press the other button.

Cause you aren't a loser. You're a winner.

You aren't weak. You're strong.

You aren't stupid. You're amazing.

Loser             Winner!

Better believe it, cause God loves you just the way you are. :)

The $hinester