Monday, October 10, 2011

Favourite Quotes - Part 2

    Hey! Ok I know it's only been what...since June 1st since I last did my favourite quotes thingy, but I already have some new ones!

"Wazz up with that?" --Dad

"1,000 miles is a lot to go, 1,000 lawns is a lot to mow, 1,000 pandas left on the map, 1,000 reasons to give a--" --Zebrafish (It's a book :P)

Spiderman: "Don't tell me this is a meeting of the late night jewel lover's society?" Thug: "It's Spiderman!" Spiderman: "REALLY?! SPIDERMAN?! Where?! Oh I get so nervous around celebrities!" --(Obviously) Spiderman

*Nathan Drake is hanging from a ledge just under a roof* Harry Flynn: "There's a guy above you, there's a guy above you!" *Nathan Drake reaches up and grabs the guard, pulling him off of the roof and into the water below* Harry Flynn: "There's a guy below you, there's a guy below you!" --Harry Flinn, Uncharted 2

"When I grow up, I'm gonna be SPIDERMAN!" --My little three-year-old brother

"I guess I always felt even if the world came to an end, McDonald's would still be open." --Miranda, Life As We Knew It 

"You smile, I smile. You laugh, I laugh. You cry, I get a baseball bat and say someones gonna get it..." --Trinity, my cousin.

         That's all for now folks! :D
                                                                                  The $hinester


Caroline said...

Hehe i like the last one its cute :P

The $hinester said...

Haha yeah, my cousin's like that XP Thanks for commenting!