Sunday, September 30, 2012

Remember this...

   As a girl I think that we should all follow these steps...

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I love how his eyebrows bounce like every five words

   Guys, this one is for you :P

(I love this guy :D)

Chivilry is man(and women)'s best friend peoples :)

The $hinester

Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's a Linkin Park thing...

     In the end, all I want is somewhere to belong, because I'm so numb, crawling away from what I've done. But I can't, it's part of me. And now I'm waiting for the end with no roads left to walk. I'm not a runway but sometimes it's easier to run when you are always pushing me away. I'm breaking the habit from the inside. I have no more sorrow but nobody's listening. I'm in pieces at the shadow of the day. Is this my December? Or simply the foreword? Don't stay, because I'm lying from you. You step up, reading my eyes, but there's no cure for the itch. I need a place for my head, by myself, away from your points of authority. When you faint, you'll hit the floor, so get off this high voltage carousel. Now I'm one step closer to the catalyst. And one more papercut doesn't make the difference with you. By myself at the edge of this new divide. This opening session may be iridescent, but I still will be forgotten. Maybe I've given up, but I'll bleed it out with my hands held high. Just leave out all the rest...

...So yeah, this is a really random thing I made out of Linkin Park song titles. Extremely random. I didn't use all of the songs but I used some of them, here's some of my favourites from in there :D

In The End, Somewhere I Belong, What I've Done, Easier To Run, Nobody's Listening, Points of Authority, Papercut, New Divide, Iridescent... :D Don't get me wrong I love all of LP's songs, but these are my favs :D

    Enjoy peoples!

The $hinester


HOLY STINKIN' WOW GUYS! I now have over 1000 page views! CRaZY PeoPLeS!

Thanks so much :D Cause you guys are so epic I'll show you some of my favourite pics from the WorldWideWeb.

Ahaha I love the motorcycle in the last one xD

Any-whoo, later 'gators!

The $hinester
BTW guys, none of these 'pics' are
If you find your picture on here just tell yours truly.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Favourite Music - Part 3

Do you have music in your soul? Or do you have soul music?

I'm not sure which I have, but I do love music so here's another favourite music list :D

Second Chance - Shinedown

Thunder - Boys Like Girls

A Thousand Years - Aimée Proal and Lindsey Stirling     (Yes this song is originally Christina Perri's but Lindsey Stirling is a Hip-Hop Violinist... Don't know who she is? Go check her out!!!!)

Stand Up - Mike Tompkins

Beautiful - Hedley

Eyes Open - Taylor Swift  (yes its from the Hunger Games Soundtrack :D)

Live Like That - Sidewalk Prophets

Naturally - Selena Gomez & The Scene

:D Hope you enjoy the music.

The $hinester
The First picture is copyrighted to TheShinester (a.k.a. Me ;))
The second is Qinni's ( see the real thing here. )

Thursday, July 19, 2012


 Usually it comes with a smile, or a hug. It's beautiful and it takes your breath away. Yup. Love.
             What is love exactly?

    What I hate most about celebrities is that they go around saying I love you to every person they meet.  --The basic life of a celebrity: Meet someone. Get drunk. Party. Tell that someone they love them. Break up with that somebody. Find a new somebody. Get married. Have a kid. Get divorced. Find a new somebody.--   Sad really... I mean, love is hard right? Well no one ever said it was easy.

"Love's not safe at all. Love might let you fall. Love's not easy. Love will take your time. Love might feel unkind. Love will break you. But it's good." It's Good[Love's Not Safe] - Sidewalk Prophets.

And even when it gets hard, you've got to remember to

Because remember Love is what makes the world go round (right after smiles ;D).

If it's worth the fight, its worth the pain. When the rain clears, there will be a rainbow. Even if you can't see any hope, there is always love. Because unlike hope, love isn't a thought, it's a feeling.
Its like watching a mother and a father take care of their new born baby, its like seeing the joy in a child's eyes when they get a new puppy, it's like knowing that someone cares about you and won't ever let you go.

And you might run into people like this...
    They will act like they don't want to be loved, like they don't care one way or another. But trust me. Even the Snow Queen's ice cold heart can be melted by love.

So what is love?  It's a force that will always be there. You can't stop love from happening, it just is.

   So if you're all alone reading this, believing that no one can love you. Well, you're wrong. There is always some one who loves you. You might not be able to see him. But he died and rose again to show you just how much he loves you.

So now the question is...

What do you think of love?
The $hinester

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


  Gueeeess what?

Yesiree, yours truely is now sixteen years of age. It's hard to believe another year and snuck up on me.

So, happy birthday to me xD  And to everyone all around the world who is celebrating a special day today :)

The $hinester

Sunday, July 1, 2012


   Happy Canada Day, my fellow Canadians, and Happy Day to any one else who is checking out my blog today :D

I can wait until the fireworks tonight xD They are probably my favourite part of this whole day, well besides hanging out with friends and family, swiming, and having an epic campfire ;)

Talk to you later guys!

The $hinester
Keep smiling :D

Friday, June 22, 2012


    Yes, you probably know who the big green guy is right? And the guy with the star on his chest? How about the guy hanging upside down?

  It's Hulk, Captain America, and Spider-man.

    Now how about the guy in the middle?

I'll give you a hint: He loves you waaaay more then then Spider-man or Hulk or Captain America do.

Another hint?
He's real, unlike Captain America, Hulk, or Spider-man who only appear on your televison screen.

It's Jesus. :) The greatest suerhero there is! And probably the best one too. Stronger then the Hulk, faster then Spider-man, and more loyal then Captain America. And he has no kryptonite. He'll protect you no matter what.

So who is your favourite superhero?
I think you already know who my favourite superhero is ;)

That's right
He is my savior and my superhero <3

The $hinester

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


   Know what that means?
Fear of Weakness
  Are you scared of being weak?
 Did you know God uses the weak to do amazing things?

"God chose the weak things in the world to shame the strong." 1 Corinthians 1:27

 You aren't the weak link. You're what is holding everything together. There is always a reason for your "weakness".  Even if you hate it.

And trust me, I'm not saying that its bad to be strong, I'm just saying that its okay to be weak. Because
"He gives power to the weak, and strength to the powerless." Isaiah 40:29

  I've always longed to be strong, to over come my weaknesses.
   And I hate when someone tells me I can't do something... Not like "Don't cross the road yet" or "Don't touch that electric fence" but stuff like "Oh, you can't do that. You're a girl." Or "Don't even try to beat me, I know I'm better then you."
   Stuff like that really hits the wrong spot on me and I immediately take it as a challenge. Because I hate appearing weak.

   So I've decided to stop thinking of myself as a loser.

And if you say "I'm such a loser." to yourself all the time. Stop. Rewind. And press the other button.

Cause you aren't a loser. You're a winner.

You aren't weak. You're strong.

You aren't stupid. You're amazing.

Loser             Winner!

Better believe it, cause God loves you just the way you are. :)

The $hinester

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Not Alone

 Do you feel like you're walking this walk alone? That your walk is an endless road with too many twists and turns?

Maybe you feel like your life is a maze and you've hit a dead-end. That you can't go anywhere anymore. You think you're stuck?

Maybe you need to back up there's probably a door there. And you just can't see it.

Just look a little harder. There's always a door. No matter how hard things get, you'll come through, because there's always Someone watching you.

So don't think you're alone. You're never alone. There's always someone. Someone who cares, who will hear you. Someone who loves you.

So yeah. That walk that you think you're taking alone?

Look over your shoulder, and I think you'll realize that...

So keep you're chin up. Because there's always Someone loving you. :)

The $hinester
Hey People.
Yes I'm enjoying these single subject Posts Of Encouragement :D And if ya don't like... Well then, don't read it. :) There's always a choice. Always.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Smile :)

   Do you ever get the feeling not everyone enjoys smiling?

Maybe they just need someone to make them smile...

So if you're reading this, right now. I want you to smile. Smile at everyone. See the difference it makes. This world needs more happiness.

Smiles make the difference, believe me. I've seen someone looking so sad, I don't even have to know them, but I smile. And they smile too.  Because people may say
"Love makes the world go 'round."
But really? Smiles are the first step to love. Trust me. There is no better why to show someone that you love them, then to give them a smile.

So are you smiling yet? If not, then maybe you need someone to smile at you.

Here's your challenge of the day.


And see the effect you have...

The $hinester
If you find your pic on here just tell me :D But remember to smile :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


How come everyone is always pushing?
  • Pushing to be on top
  • Pushing to win
  • Pushing others where they want them to go
  • Pushing for love
  • Pushing to be noticed
  • Pushing, Pushing Pushing

I'm tired of all this pushing...Tired of being what everyone wants.

I try to be what everyone wants, but sometimes it just feels good to take off the mask...And once my true colours are exposed...Everyone hides :\
It's kind of sad actually. Everyone wants you to be the way they want, but they never stop to listen to you or to be happy for you.

I know this sounds like a rant, but I'm just getting tired. I want people to know that if they keep pushing, I'm going to start pushing back.

Once I was following my family in this huge crowd, it felt like we were going one way and everyone was going the other. I was pushed and pulled back with the crowd. I felt completely hopeless until I saw my dad's head through the mass of people. Then I had to push myself forward, so that I didn`t get lost again.

Yeah... Sorry about this depressingness.... ... ...

The $hinester

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Comic Con

So today my family and I went out to the Comic Con. It was pretty cool. To tell the truth, I enjoyed the wait to get in more then I enjoyed the real thing :S Haha, hey watching people arrive in cool costumes is really cool ;)

I didn't get alot of photos, but my dad's friend's wife (lol) got lots and lots, so if your interested in seeing more photos, just keep checking out this post, I'll update it for you.

Anyways, we got there at like...8:45 or something. Then we stood in line. We actually weren't that far back in line. Thankfully.   The lines were crazy at nine though. It was like a snake stretching out of veiw... :|    We stood in line next to Catwoman! She was actually pretty talkitive and funny.

Costume count: There was loooot of Jokers and Harley Quinns there. Same with Legend of Zelda characters. Oh and quite a few Jedi as well. I saw like one or two Cloud Strifes, one Vincent, and lots and lots of other stuff. There was some Disney characters too. Oh and there was a Darth Vader, that made my day. I really wanted to give him bunny ears while he was posing for some people... I was too short... xD
There's Belle. I don't really think she wanted her picture taken..
Oops. Plus, she had a tattoo on her left arm...that didn't really go.... :S

    I saw storm troopers!!!!! I was so happy!  There was like two of them in one spot and they were doing this really funny dance.     I tapped a storm trooper on the right shoulder then I quickly walked away, my dad's friend's wife was like right behind me, so when the storm trooper turned around he looked right at her. She started laughing her head off and the storm trooper just kind of cocked his head at her. <That was probably the best moment.

It was a long day all in all. Inside it was hot in the crowd, and outside the sun was hot...

  And no...I didn't dress up. I kind of wish I did now, but I really didn't want to pose for a hundred photos. :D   So yeah, more photos coming soon.

Say Awesome friends xD

 << XD (not my pic, but still DV!!)

The $hinester

Friday, May 11, 2012

New Trend Starting

   Yeah, new trends, there's always something goin' round. Be it a new fashion statement or a cold ;) So this is actually one of my best Friendie's ideas and I'm just helping him out abit xD.

So right now, matching socks are pretty much a no-go. Everyone's socks are totally mix'n'matched.

Which I did for a while before it was really popular. I only really do it because my dog eats my socks... :S LOL oops... Anyways, my Friendie's idea is to do the same thing with his shoes. Awesome right? Yes definatly awesome.  I mean if you do it with your socks, why not do it with your shoes right?

Aha! There's my attempt. ^^^ XD Let's see your shot at this new trend. And hey, don't be afraid to try something new. There's nothing scary about being different. Besides in my book, weird and different and strange is awesome.     Usually the weirdos are the ones who make an impact. :D
So remember...

And stay awesome my dear readers :) See you around the bend with our new trend. XD
The $hinester

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


    ♪Rain rain, it's okay. Go back to sleep and cry another day
   Yep...rain. I don't actually mind rain. Actually, I love standing outside in the rain. But I don't like rain when it stops us from going outside, or playing at the park with our friends/friendies.
    And someone got this idea in every one's head, that rain is depressing. Is it really?
"If you think sunshine is pure happiness, then you've never danced in the rain."
   I've never danced in the rain, but I want to. Really really want to. If standing out in the rain feels amazing, then dancing in the rain must be exhilarating.
"Life isn't waiting for the storm to pass, it's learning to dance in the rain."
   Yes, I love rain poetry. But hey don't rain on my parade. Actually, its fine, life needs more rain.
"When life rains on your parade, look up rather then down. For without the rain, there would be no rainbow."
    So do you think rain is depressing? Do you wish that the sun would just come out and the clouds would go and hide in their bedroom? Then maybe you should go and dance in the rain. It's not hard.
   You don't even need an umbrella...
"Into each life, some rain must fall."
   But it doesn't need to be sad rain. Always remember that. Though you may think everything is going wrong and that the rain won't leave, hold out your hands and turn your face up to the sky. Let the rain fall on you. You might realize it's not all that bad.

The $hinester

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Friendie!

    Yes I'm a die-hard Tiffa&Cloud fan, but this picture was just so sweet, I had to put it on here.
So for those of you who don't know what this picture is; The hand on the left is Cloud's and the hand on the right is Aerith's.   I don't own this picture, but who ever made it was amazing! Its very calm, and beautiful. Don't you think?

So any ways, I just wanted to say happy birthday to my friendie. He doesn't really have a way of checking my blog out, but I'm saying happy birthday anyways :D And that picture I found, made me think of him. Because he likes yellow flowers, and I like final fantasy, so it all kind of worked out :P

So yeah. Enjoy the pic, and Happy Birthday to my Friendie and who ever else is celebrating a special day today.

The $hinester
If I used your picture on here, and you don't want it here, please tell me. I'll remove it.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


  Aw yeah! Yesterday night we went and saw the Avengers! It was totally AWESOME!!! Lots of action and battles. And the characters were really well developed. My favourite character was...Hawkeye, I'd have to say. Because I love archery myself (yeah, our homeschool group had a few archery classes :D). But he was also really cool. I also like Captain America/Chris Evens xD, though I like Chris Evens better as Johny Storm (the Human Torch); reason, he's more HOTTER as Johny xD. LOL    Anyways, to tell the truth, I really liked the whole cast, they did an amazing job!
  It was just as good as I had hoped, better actually. The director of the Avengers was also the director of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series. He did a grrrrreat job! xD
   You must go see it! It's a must, more then you should go see Hunger Games or Twilight. :D

Later Armadillos!
The $hinester
Heey, I just noticed in the picture up there, there are too STARK towers...weird... :P

Friday, May 4, 2012

May the Fourth be with you

  Aha! Its May fourth. So:

"May the fourth be with you."

Heh heh. Get it? Cause it's May fourth, and all the Jedi say "May the force be with you," heh heh.

No..not funny? :P

How about this?
Fine :P

 Ahaha! :P Sorry once I saw it, I couldn't resist.

The $hinester

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

10 words that don't (but should) exist

01. AQUADEXTROUS – adj. Possessing the ability to turn the bathroom faucet on and off with your toes.
02. CARPERPETUATION – n. The act, when vacuuming, of running over a string or a piece of lint at least a dozen times, reaching over and picking it up, examining it, then putting it back down to give the vacuum one more chance.
03. DISCONFECT – v. To sterilize a piece of candy you dropped on the floor by blowing on it, assuming this will somehow “remove” all the germs.
04. ELBONICS – n. The actions of two people maneuvering for one armrest in a movie theater (airplane).
05. FRUST – n. The small line of debris that refuses to be swept onto the dust pan and keep backing a person across the room until he/she finally decides to give up and sweep it under the rug.
06. LACTOMANGULATION – n. Manhandling the “open here” spout on a milk container so badly that one has to resort to the “illegal” side.
07. PEPPIER – n. The waiter at a fancy restaurant whose sole purpose seems to be walking around asking diners if they want ground pepper.
08. PHONESIA – n. The affliction of dialing a phone number and forgetting whom you were calling just as they answer.
09. PUPKUS – n. The moist residue left on a window after a dog presses its nose to it.
10. TELECRASTINATION – n. The act of always letting the phone ring at least twice before you pick it up, even when you’re only six inches away.

Haha! I found that on the Owl City Blog, its hilarious these words. Hope you guys like it!

The $hinester

Monday, April 9, 2012


No it isn't a fancy word for fart :P Freshwind is an awesome Youth Convention up in Toronto. In which I was able to go.

  And whoa...Let me just say, that was amazing! So yeah, its a Christian thing, with really brings you close to God and stuff. I loved it! There were like three or four really awesome bands, and pounding music. The speakers were great as well. The only problem was it we only three days long! :'(

And yeah, I'm a Christian, and I'm proud to be one. Don't worry though :P I didn't make this blog to preach to you guys. :D

Anyways, I'll talk to you guys later! :)

The $hinester

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Yay! Crisis Core!! I finally have it!! xD It's so awesome!! I'm only so far it, but its awesome! :D

Also I want to say happy birthday to my younger brothers. Who are trying to watch me play my video games over my shoulders. (PSP) Lol.

The $hinester

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hunger Games; Movie Review

The Hunger Games Movie
Released; March 23 2012
Watched; March 23 2012, 9:45 PM
Length of Movie; 142 mins.
Rated; PG-13
Starring; Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, and Josh Hutcherson.
Movie Summery; In a not-too-distant future, North America has collapsed, weakened by drought, fire, famine, and war to be replaced by Panem, a country divided into the Capitol and 12 districts. Each year two young representatives from each district are selected by lottery to participate in The Hunger Games. Part entertainment, part brutal intimidation of the subjugated districts, the televised games are broadcast throughout Panem. The 24 participants are forced to eliminate their competitors, literally, with all citizens required to watch. When 16-year-old Katniss' young sister, Prim, is selected as the mining district's female representative, Katniss volunteers to take her place. She and her male counterpart Peeta, will be pitted against bigger, stronger representatives who have trained for this their whole lives.
   Well...That was...Eeeeeeggh.
   I'm going to be as kind as I can, please forgive me if this turns into a rant.
   I think they did a good job with the settings and the castings for the tributes. Jennifer Lawrence did an okay job as Katniss, because I understand it can be a hard roll to play. Josh Hutcherson could have done better. Liam was good...he didn't really say much though. Willow Shields (Primrose Everdeen) did a good job with her part.
   So to me, it seemed really rushed. They cut and changed so much from the book, it was very disappointing. I think if you didn't read the books you would be lost for half of it.
   First of all, the muttations? Those dogs at the end? What the heck?! They were cool and all, but they were supposed to look like the dead tributes. Did they? No. I admit the way they brought it in was cool too, but...
   Now...Rue's death. People were crying and I was all like...WHAT? THAT'S IT? Basically Katniss teams up with Rue, they talk, they sleep, they make a plan, they complete the plan, Rue dies. They should have played that out a bit more! Why are we supposed to feel sorry for this girl she met and hung around for two whole days? I didn't feel any connection. Plus, the romance? That was horrible! They kissed like twice. Star-crossed lovers my butt.
   I think you should watch the movie yourself. Don't take my word for it. Just because it disappointed me, doesn't mean it will disappoint you. My expectations were too high, because I have an over-active imagination, when it comes to books. Which made it hard to enjoy the movie like I did the books.
   Don't get me wrong, I'd watch it again, but as a fan of the books I was disappointed. I feel sorry for the fans who were living for the movie to come out.

My Rating;

Three Lightning Bolts out of five.

Interesting fact; The Hunger Games TRILOGY is being made into FOUR movies. How they plan on pulling that off, I'm not quite sure.
So yeah...I'm hoping they do better for the second movie. They better pick someone good for Finnick.

The $hinester

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunger Games Fan Art! (By yours truely!!)

   Alright! So Hunger Games is out today!!!! I'm soooo excited! I cno't wait to see it onthe big screen!!

  In light of the Hunger Games I drew a picture of Katniss! I'll post another one like this one later, but the background will be coloured. I promise! Hope you like it!!!

Please tell me what you think! :D
The $hinester

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Two Words; Hunger Games!

   As you guys might know, I'm a huge fan of Star Wars, Indiana Jones, aaaaand Hunger Games. Which just so happens to be coming out in
   Awesome right? Keep your chins up my friends, we're almost there!!!

So I think this Video is the older trailer

And this is the brand spankin' new one!! XD
    Cool Aye? I'm pretty psyched! My mom and I really want to see it when it comes out, although, I'm kind of thinking we should go the next day or something, that way (it'll still be crowded) but maybe not as much?? I'm defiantly going to do a movie review for you guys!

Here some Awesome fan art and other Hunger games stuff I found online!!

 Look Look! Rue's Interview!!! :D And Peeta's interview! (...What's up with his hair?? :S )

 Check out the outfits! It's before they are on the chariots. Before they are on fire. :D

 Aww did Peeta fall down?



Sorry I couldn't resist the last one! Hope you enjoyed the talented fan art!
XD Till later my friends! May The Odds, Be Ever In Your Favor!! :)
The $hinester
Once again I remind you that I do not own any of these pictures. If you see your picture on here and do not want it there, please tell me and I will remove it.
Thank You.