Friday, May 11, 2012

New Trend Starting

   Yeah, new trends, there's always something goin' round. Be it a new fashion statement or a cold ;) So this is actually one of my best Friendie's ideas and I'm just helping him out abit xD.

So right now, matching socks are pretty much a no-go. Everyone's socks are totally mix'n'matched.

Which I did for a while before it was really popular. I only really do it because my dog eats my socks... :S LOL oops... Anyways, my Friendie's idea is to do the same thing with his shoes. Awesome right? Yes definatly awesome.  I mean if you do it with your socks, why not do it with your shoes right?

Aha! There's my attempt. ^^^ XD Let's see your shot at this new trend. And hey, don't be afraid to try something new. There's nothing scary about being different. Besides in my book, weird and different and strange is awesome.     Usually the weirdos are the ones who make an impact. :D
So remember...

And stay awesome my dear readers :) See you around the bend with our new trend. XD
The $hinester

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